Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Sometimes you fall down

So, I'm 40.  I'm 40 and I bought a new skateboard.

I rode skateboards throughout my teens and twenties, and even off and on in my early thirties, but I retired from that on purpose - I thought.

Something about the freedom of choice, the level of required's the best analogy for life that I've ever seen in my life.  Sorry for the redundancy, but it's true.

So yeah, sometimes you get a great line and you surprise yourself with a quick movement or quirky trick.  Sometimes though, you fall down.  And it hurts.

But then you get back up, and you decide to move on past the pain, on towards the promise of better rewards.

See?  Analogy for life.

I remember she said 'cherokee princesses'.  That makes me smile.

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