Saturday, August 17, 2013

Running... again.

I'm not unfamiliar with what it takes to maintain a certain level of fitness.  There is, however, a large gap between knowledge and practice.  Yesterday I took my first steps towards practice.  Today, I seconded that motion.

Currently I'm running slow.  12 minute miles.  2 miles.  I'm doing this every day until I can run the 2 under 18 minutes, then I will slow it back down and lengthen the path.  I have a route established from outside my home so no nonsense requiring me travelling to a place will work.  Sadly, now the largest hurdle in this path is me.

6 foot nothing of hurdle.  I ran two full half miles, but had to walk in between a bit today.  Tomorrow I'm still going to be dealing with muscle tearing, so I'll just have to pound it out and most likely walk more.

This is week one.  There will be more weeks.

All this, for a girl.

Just so a girl will look at me.

Roont.  Just roont.

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